01. HYLEE 19 Spring
- - but not Keras, but pytorch
- - Before RNN
GoogleWelcome to Colab#Colab
StanfordCS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition#CNN#course
GeeksforGeeksIntroduction to Convolution Neural Network#CNN
[See notes.]
GeeksforGeeksNN Beginners Guide#NN
[See notes.]
KDnuggetsGeneralization in Neural Networks#generalisation#regularisation#overfitting#balance#dropout#ensemble
[See notes.]
Machine Learning MasteryUnderstanding the Design of a Convolutional Neural Network#CNN
[See notes.]
GoogleIntroduction to Machine Learning#ML#crashCourse
GoogleML Practicum: Image Classification#ML#crashCourse
DeciNeural Architecture Search: Everything You Need to Know#NAS#AutoML
[See notes.]
[See notes.]
WikipediaNeural architecture search#NAS
MathWorksGenetic Algorithm#GA
[See notes.]
GeeksforGeeksGenetic Algorithms#GA
[See notes.]
GeeksforGeeksEncoding Methods in Genetic Algorithm#GA#encoding
[See notes.]
University of Washington - Marek ObitkoIntroduction to Genetic Algorithms#GA#npComplete
[See notes.]
Papers with CodeImage Classification Benchmarks#cifar10#benchmark
Papers with CodeThreshNet: An Efficient DenseNet Using Threshold Mechanism to Reduce Connections#threshNet#denseNet#model
Papers with CodeDensely Connected Convolutional Networks#denseNet#model
GitHubliuzhuang13/DenseNet: Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award)#denseNet#model#coding